6 იანვარი, 2024 BTA


"Academy of Business and Technology" Ltd. announces the vacancy of a professional education teacher (program implementer) in the professional educational program.
 1. "Electricity" program
 ** Introductory practice in electricity
 ** Engineering drawing
 ** Electrical and electronic principles
 ** Communication in the field of electricity
 ** Health and safety in electricity
 ** Electrical technology
 ** Properties and use of electric machines
 ** Electrical installation
 ** Engineering project
 2. Program "Nurturer"
 ** Fine and visual arts in early and preschool education
 ** Performance art at preschool age
 ** Formation of mathematical concepts in early and preschool age
 ** Early and preschool research and discovery
 ** Independence and adaptive behavior in early and preschool age
 ** Communication, language, speech in early and preschool age
 ** Literacy in early and preschool age
 ** Promotion of physical and sensory development in early and preschool age
 ** Peculiarities of working with children with special educational needs in preschool education and education
 ** Culture, tradition and citizenship in early and preschool age
 ** Use of technology in early and preschool education
 ** Music and movement in early and preschool education
 ** Observation and assessment in early and preschool education
 ** Fine and visual arts in early and preschool education;
 ** Performance art in early and preschool age
 ** Early and preschool research and discovery

პარტნიორი კომპანიები და ორგანიზაციები

ბიზნესისა და ტექნოლოგიების ორგანიზაცია თანამშრომლობს ორმოცდაათზე მეტ კომპანიასა და ორგანიზაციასთან. კომპანიები აქტიურად თანამშრომლობელ სტუდენტთა სტაჟირებისა და მათ შემდგომ დასაქმებაში