Bank details

IBAN: GE77BG0000000721825700
IBAN: GE20TB7298636020100004
IBAN: GE78PC0133600100073224
BIC – 406056173

Location of study units

Academy of Business and Tecnology

The first study unit

208, Tseronisi Street, 0180 Tbilisi
032 2 24 95 57
593 30 32 11 / 574 00 80 80

Transportation Availability

There is a bridge over the metro Station Square

Bus: N 336
Minibus: N 542

The second study unit

28, Tsotne Dadiani Street, 0102 Tbilisi
032 2 24 95 57
593 30 32 11 / 574 00 80 80

The third study unit

Partner companies and organizations

Academy of Business and Technology collaborates with more than fifty companies and organizations. Companies actively participate in the internships of cooperating students and their subsequent employment.