Students Self Goverment
Student self-government actively operates in the Academy of Business and Technology, which promotes the implementation of student initiatives and the organization of events in order to ensure a diverse, interesting and unforgettable student life.
St. Student Self-Government Vice President Election 2023 will be held in Sachkheri department
Student self-government presidential elections were held in the Academy of Business and Technology
The presidential candidates addressed the students and introduced their action plans.
Students elected Giorgi Iakobashvili for a term of 1 year with the majority of votes
The administrative staff of the Academy congratulate you on the victory.
We hope it will support the implementation of student initiatives
I wish you an interesting and unforgettable student life
ლუკა მჭედლიშვილი - ინფორმაციული ტექნოლოგის პროფესიული სტუდენტი
ვანო დოხნაძე - ტუროპერატორის პროფესიული სტუდენტი
ხატია ფიფია - შრომის უსაფრთხოებისა და გარემოს დაცვითი ტექნოლოგიების პროფესიული სტუდენტი