6 იანვარი, 2024 BTA

Student-self government

 Students Self Goverment

 Student self-government actively operates in the Academy of Business and Technology, which promotes the implementation of student initiatives and the organization of events in order to ensure a diverse, interesting and unforgettable student life.

St. Student Self-Government Vice President Election 2023 will be held in Sachkheri department

Student self-government presidential elections were held in the Academy of Business and Technology

The presidential candidates addressed the students and introduced their action plans.

 Students elected Giorgi Iakobashvili for a term of 1 year with the majority of votes

The administrative staff of the Academy congratulate you on the victory.

We hope it will support the implementation of student initiatives


I wish you an interesting and unforgettable student life



ლუკა მჭედლიშვილი - ინფორმაციული ტექნოლოგის პროფესიული სტუდენტი

ვანო დოხნაძე - ტუროპერატორის პროფესიული სტუდენტი

ხატია ფიფია - შრომის უსაფრთხოებისა და გარემოს დაცვითი ტექნოლოგიების პროფესიული სტუდენტი

Partner companies and organizations

Academy of Business and Technology collaborates with more than fifty companies and organizations. Companies actively participate in the internships of cooperating students and their subsequent employment.