4 იანვარი, 2024 BTA

Student life


Student life

Along with theoretical education, a diverse student life is an essential factor that makes the experience acquired by students in educational institutions more complete. Student life at the Academy of Business and Technology is valuable, interesting and exciting. Those who want to study, play sports, have fun, be creative and, of course, have adventures, an unforgettable student life awaits here.

The Academy of Business and Technology has an active student self-government, which promotes the implementation of student initiatives and organizes events to ensure a diverse, interesting and unforgettable student life. Students have the opportunity to unite around common interests and organize student events, through which they promote topics of interest to them, organize events, etc. To achieve all this, they write projects to gain the support of the Rector of the Academy of Business and Technology, Ms. Sopio Macharashvili. This system allows students to develop professional skills, take responsibility for the process of project development and implementation, manage the necessary resources, etc.


The Academy of Business and Technology also has internal student internships, where outstanding students of the academy are involved and, with their help and initiatives, together with the student self-government, discussions on global topics are held in order to deepen their knowledge and, most importantly, establish the right values ​​and develop into educated, progressive, and capable individuals. 



Partner companies and organizations

Academy of Business and Technology collaborates with more than fifty companies and organizations. Companies actively participate in the internships of cooperating students and their subsequent employment.